Your bank

in Denmark

Sparekassen Kronjylland make it easy for you. We give you advice and guidance on your finances and we set up accounts. You will have access to free eBanking and Mobile banking and you will get the cards you need to make daily living easy and effortless.

With us, you can discuss long-term planning regarding pension, investment, insurance and the purchase of real estate. Should you need a car, you can choose to buy or lease - we will find the best solution for you.

With us it is free to set up and have an account and you only pay for the services you need.

We are ready to assist you with whatever you need:

  • Accounts for you and your family
  • eBanking and Mobile banking
  • Transferring funds to your current accounts abroad
  • Advice on your daily personal finances
  • Automatic payment options
  • Purchasing real estate
  • Buying or leasing a car
  • Advice on accounts for savings and investment
  • Advice regarding pension and life insurance
  • Personal insurance and insurance on car, home and possessions
  • We ensure a professional and effective process focused on your situation which allows you to become comfortable with your private finances while in Denmark

You can visit one of our branches or you can call or write:
You can also fill in the form below – and we’ll contact you.

We look forward to hearing from you

Kind regards
Your bank in Denmark
Sparekassen Kronjylland

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