your bank in denmark

Free accounts

With Sparekassen Kronjylland it is free to setup and have an account.

Salary account

You will get a salary account with an attached Dankort (a debit card you can use at all ATMs and at most stores in Denmark).

The Dankort is free, but we also recommend that you apply for a VISA/Dankort, which costs 198 DKK per year.

Additional cards, such as Mastercard, can also be linked to your salary account.

Your salary is transferred to your salary account and from this account you pay for your daily living, such as food, clothing, gifts and pleasures. We recommend that you set up a budget account and/or a savings account.

Budget- and savings account

A budget account provides a detailed overview of your income, expenses and payment dates to en sure that all bills are paid on time.

Some expenses such as rent and mobile phone, are paid monthly, whereas others are paid every 3 months, every 6 months, or once a year. Every time you receive your salary, a pre-determined amount will be transferred from your salary account to your budget account to match your annual expenses. This ensures there will always be enough money in your account to pay the bills.

We also recommend that you make a deposit to a savings account every month to cover unexpected expenses, holidays, etc.

We will help you set up a budget, the necessary accounts, and establish the various transfer of funds between accounts.

With eBanking you are always up to date and just a click away from your adviser should you need to review your accounts.

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